Audio hosting site | |
Unfortunatenly Kiwi6 audio host isn't working anymore ... visit the complete list of free audio hosting sites and choose another audio host. Kiwi6 used to be on: | |
Maximum sound file size | 50 MB |
Allowed audio file types | mp3, wav, m4a, wma, aac, ac3, flag, ogg, aif, aiff |
Registration required? | no |
Direct linking allowed? | yes |
File life span | 3 months |
There are many sites like Kiwi6. Check the complete list of all audio hosting sites. |
Kiwi6 frontend was offline for a while, but all the uploaded files were still accessible through streaming. Frontend is back online and the service is as good as it always was.
Posted on Monday, 24 May 2021 at 17:36