MP3 Upload - free audio host review

Audio hosting site

Unfortunatenly MP3 Upload audio host isn't working anymore ... visit the complete list of free audio hosting sites and choose another audio host.

MP3 Upload used to be on:

Maximum sound file size12 MB
Allowed audio file typesmp3, wav, wma, mid, ram, aif, mpeg
Registration required?no
Direct linking allowed?yes
File life spanunknown
MP3 Upload audio hosting site
There are many sites like MP3 Upload.
Check the complete list of all audio hosting sites.

I want to upload music that I produced
I just want to upload a song I wrote
Rayuth Akiwon:
I just want upload my song into web for to get url to complete my blogspot.
very gud
Jim Michaels:
file will stay there as long as it is downloaded every 30 days. you may upload a file every 30 minutes. Files less than 0.5 megabytes don't count towards your upload or download limits.
Total 5 comments posted here so far.
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